Ladies Midweek Oasis

Every Wednesday until May 14, 2025
9:30am – 11:30am
Category: WomenLadies Midweek Oasis
A place for women of all ages to grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him. We will seek to build meaningful relationships with one another and to impact our community through an outflowing of Christ’s love.
Oasis meets every Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM in West Highland's Fellowship Hall from September through to May (with holidays off) and there are opportunities for you to serve. Childcare will be provided this year at Oasis.
Special Dates:
February 12 - Cathie Lemmond, Director of Women's Ministries from Heritage Baptist Church will speak to us on "Contending for the Faith" from our Jude study. There will be special treats at the tables as well as a creative craft.
April 12 - Special Easter Breakfast organized by the WH Women's Conference & Retreat Team. There will be a brunch provided and guest speaker. Cost is $5/each. There will be no childcare for this event.
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