Join us for Sunday Services at 9:00 or 11:00 AM

Family Ministries

Welcome to Family Ministries at West Highland! At WH we are committed to nurturing and supporting spiritual growth for people of all ages. For children, our WH Kids program provides a safe and engaging space where they can learn about faith through interactive activities, stories and play. The Youth Ministry is geared for teens, offering a dynamic opportunities to foster their spiritual growth through community service and exciting events all as they navigate the challenges of adolesence. Young Adults find a welcoming home in our community, with programs designed to foster meaningful connections, spiritual exploration, and a supportive network as they embark on their life journeys.

Our Women's Ministry is a welcoming place for women of all ages to come together for fellowship, shared learning, and mutual encouragement. Men's Ministry offers a space for camaraderie and spiritual growth, helping men navigate the complexities of life with the Bible as their guide. For Mature Adults, West Highland’s JOY Ministries acknowledges that learning is a life long journey! Their regular meetings are focussed on Reading the Word, Praying the Word and Living the Word in a way that ministers to the church and the community 

Everyone belongs in Family Ministries. Explore through the links below all the ways to get involved, get connected, and journey together in spiritual growth.

 Children's Ministry Button

Youth Button

Young Adults Button

Women's Ministry button

Men's ministry button

Mature adults button


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