Join us for Sunday Services at 9:00 or 11:00 AM

Prayer is an integral part of all of our ministries. It is a major part of our Community Groups gatherings of which members continuously uphold each other in prayer. Urgent prayer requests within our church family are sent out to email subscribers of the prayer chain by the Church Office.  


Wednesday Evenings

FRESH ENCOUNTERS - to pray for our church family and ministries of West Highland. All are welcome! Please contact Pastor Ken or Patti. Does not meet through July & August.

Thursday Afternoons 

PRAYER FOR REVIVAL - if you have a heart cry for a heaven-sent revival you are welcome to join us. Contact Sharon for details. 

Prayer Week

These days are for intentional prayer as we seek God's wisdom and guidance for the year ahead both personally and corporately. Details are given about scheduling in December for Prayer Week to take place on the first week after Winter Break.


Sunday morning's during our time of singing feel free to fill out the Praise Note slip of paper provided in the chair ahead of you with any answered prayer and bring it up and place in one of our "thank-o-meter" tubes.

WH Kids Prayer Team

The first Sunday of the month (October to June) WH Kids has a special time of Prayer Time that meets in the Youth Room during the regular WH Kids program.