Join us for Sunday Services at 9:00 or 11:00 AM

Our passion and vision is to utilize mentoring, study groups, community service, and special events to reach women everywhere with the hope Jesus offers us for this life and the one to come.

We believe that women inside and outside the Church are desperate to find a real revelation of who Jesus is and what that will mean personally for their lives. We proceed in every area of this ministry with the conviction that knowing Jesus better transforms us and all of our relationships. Women whose hope is in the Lord can be different wives, mothers, friends, daughters, and sisters.


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Ladies Midweek Oasis 

A place for women of all ages to grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him. We will seek to study God's Word, build meaningful relationships with one another, and impact our community through an outflowing of Christ’s love.

Oasis meets every Wednesday morning at 9:30 AM in West Highland's Fellowship Hall from September through to May (with holidays off) and there are opportunities for you to serve. Childcare will be provided this year at Oasis.

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