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Mission Refocus

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Mission Refocus

One of life’s great joys is to see the fulfillment of something we have dreamed of, longed for and worked towards. With the new additions to our worship and ministry centre only weeks away from completion, we are at last experiencing this dream-realized joy. It’s hard to believe that about 12 years have passed since the first serious discussions about expanding began. I distinctly remember a meeting with Steve Oswald in early 2007 when, before I became pastor, he excitedly shared with me the church leadership’s vision to expand. Frankly, this was one of several things that God used to attract me to West Highland - the vision of the leaders for an expanded witness for Christ. As we begin a new chapter in our church’s history, it’s important for us to refocus again on what God has called us to. Yes, it’s time again to refocus on our mission. So for these three remaining Sundays in September I want to preach again about the mission God has entrusted to us and take a peek again at the heart of the One who loved the world so much that he gave his One and Only Son.

September 25, 2016

The Heart of the Father: Part 2 - Luke 15:25-32

Speaker: John Mahaffey Series: Mission Refocus Scripture: Luke 15:25–32

September 18, 2016

Mission Refocus: The Heart of the Father: Part 1 - Luke 15

Speaker: John Mahaffey Series: Mission Refocus Scripture: Luke 15:1–32

September 11, 2016

Mission Refocus: Our Apostolic Ministry - Colossians 1:24-29

Speaker: John Mahaffey Series: Mission Refocus Scripture: Colossians 1:24–29